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June 22-24, 2012 - Detroit River Days

About 150,000 people were estimated to have attended the Detroit River Days Festival in 2012 and three of Detroit Metro Mashup’s photojournalists were among the throng. We took lots of really colorful pictures of everyone having a great time at this fun-filled festival along the beautifully developed Detroit Riverwalk. This year’s 2013 festival is presented by the Soaring Eagle Casino and will be held on June 21st through the 23rd. This festival makes one realize that the long winter has ended and the warm weather is here to stay, at least for a few months. When you see the kids playing in the fountains, the ferris wheel making lazy circles in the sky, and the tall masted ships floating on the river, the magic of being a child will return to even the most jaded old fogey among us. Combine these visuals with the smells from the food vendors, the music flowing from all the stages, and the slap, slap, slap of the waves against the breakwaters and a delightful pastiche of past glories and the dreams of a beautiful future Detroit will permeate your mind.

As described on the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy event webpage (, “Interactive exhibits, large-scale sand sculptures, strolling entertainers, eco-friendly kids’ zones, carnival rides, and live concerts with performances featuring more than 50 local, national and international music acts will be back this year, along with some yet-to-be-announced enhancements and new components as well. Additional details on the festival’s highlights, including an announcement on the musical performances each evening and a celebration of the Conservancy’s 10-year anniversary, will be announced in the coming months.”

DetroitMM plans to be at the festival and we hope to see you there as well. If you run into us, please feel free to say hi and introduce yourself!