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Detroit Metro Mashup has been designed from the ground up as a site dedicated to photos, videos and write-ups about southeast Michigan, aka, the Detroit Metro area. There are lots of news and reporting websites for the Detroit area, but we intend to find our niche by covering events that others might have missed, by taking shots from perspectives that others might not have noticed, and by trying to move the puzzle pieces around to see if alternative visions of our region, and its future potential, could emerge from the barely-controlled chaos of our time.

We won’t be able to cover everything going on in the Big D, because we’re starting out with a small cadre of photojournalists, but what we do cover will be done in a premium way that, we hope, will allow you to get the same feeling that you had when you were there or, if you weren’t there, imagine what you would have seen and felt. We’ll hit many of the large events and festivals, but our big hope is to cover some things that you might not even know about, to make you aware so you’ll know about them next time. Because of this, we hope you’ll share your event with us, let us know what it is about and when it is scheduled. We can’t guarantee you we’ll get there, but we will consider how to cover it if we can, provided it fits within our goals for this website and our capabilities.

Feel free to contact us, give us feedback, criticism, and propose event coverage and we’ll do our best to respond.
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Michele K Is a cofounder of Detroit Metro Mashup. She has a background in advertising, public relations, photography, videography, sales, marketing, and volunteering in the community, so working for Detroit Metro Mashup is a perfect matchup! Her formal education consists of attending Oakland Community College for an Associates in Applied Science: Television Studio/Field Production and Northwood University for an Associate of Arts in Advertising/Business Administration. Michele also has significant media business experience, having been a Production Assistant for the TV shows “Straight Talk” and “Ask the Governor” for Channel 50, a coordinator for all efforts between sales teams and management at a cable TV company, an artwork coordinator for an ad agency to meet print production deadlines, and having operated of all aspects of a retail outlet. In addition she has been a Product Demonstrator for Apple Computer, providing her with significant hardware and software experience. Recently she has been a freelance photo journalist for another online news website and is now working for DMM, where her love for the City of Detroit will be extended by offering up her coverage of local newsworthy events.
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Robert (Bob) Powell is an originating cofounder and photojournalist at Detroit Metro Mashup. As a Detroit "true believer" he wanted to develop DMM to document and promote the metro area... its people, places, history and all the things that we have and love to do here. As a Detroit transplant of 10 years, Bob has always been impressed by the music, festivals, art fairs, and other Michigan celebrations, particularly during the months when we're less inclined to hibernate; when the sun is out, the ground has thawed, and Metro Detroiters can escape their brick and wood caves for extended periods. He has a B.S. In Zoology and an M.S. In Environmental Science from the University of Oklahoma, so expect some nature and wildlife coverage. Bob has experience as a freelance photojournalist for another website and has published more than 35 articles, book chapters, and encyclopedia entries; he has given more than 50 presentations in his role as an environmental scientist and does reviews for publishing houses such as John Wiley & Sons. While working as a photojournalist for DMM, Bob is also a senior scientist and owner at Powell & Associates Science Services (
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Shaun K is an Apple Certified Macintosh Technician (ACMT) who also has a background in graphic & web design, making him perfect for Detroit Metro Mashup. In addition to being our webmaster, Shaun is also the editor of "Drip Points" magazine for the National Insulator Association. He was responsible for turning it from a simple black and white newsletter into a proper, full color, highly polished magazine. Shaun also does freelance design work and Mac tech support. Shaun has long had an interest in photography and you will see his work among our pages.

Shaun loves all things creative so photographing local "artsy and creative" events is a natural fit for Detroit Metro Mashup.

Links to a couple of Shaun's sites:
Jivey Designs - Design Company
All Insulators - Photos and info on glass and porcelain insulators from around the world.
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